from CDR providing English and Computer classes, and teaching people how to
sew, all at a discounted price compared to the other schools in the city, they
also went to one of the local schools as they have for the last several years
to teach the students about “safe touch”. They got the chance to sing
worship songs, as well as present a puppet show, a dance, and dramatic
play. Afterward they taught the students the importance of safe touch,
and then prayed for the students, then provided a meal. It is our great
hope that by teaching these children some principles about what is safe, and
general safety tips it will help prevent these children from being
abused. Also, if abuse is happening, it may give the child the courage to
tell someone in authority so that they can be helped and protected. Prayer request:
- Please pray for these children and that sexual, physical and mental abuse will never happen!
- Please pray for CDR. Even with lower prices, the school is suffering due to the poor economy.
- Please pray that this improves and wisdom for us to lead the school through this time.
We were back a week when I left for a week to BelĂ©m to go to our Senior leadership meeting. It was really good to be with some of the missionaries that I serve with. Once I got back, Elba left and is still gone as of this writing to Santarem for a week long training of caring for Pastors. We both had adventures getting to our places of destination. I went right in the midst of a trucker’s strike, and on the way to Santarem a truck overturned causing Elba to take an even rougher terrain to get around the truck. In addition to the training, Elba shared the word for Valentine’s day which was celebrated in June 12th here. I am sure the word was a lament because we were separated from each other on Valentines day.
On the first day back on the preaching schedule we had a couple of
guys come up and receive the Lord. So cool to see people surrendering
their lives and start to follow the ways of the Lord. It is the first
step of many along their path but we are privileged to be able to share this
moment with them. Thank you Lord! Please pray for these fellows.
Prayer request: We shared this prayer request last month and we
thank you for your prayers. We believe that we are going to try to sell
our home and see how God will either confirm or not. If He wants us to
remain here then we want to do that of course. We really appreciate your
continued prayers for the Lord’s will to be done. Thank you!
Please also continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and
emotional health for us.