Thanks for all your prayers and support. We pray you are blessed with the below update.
It brings me great pleasure to introduce 36 graduates of our leadership school. These 36 students made a year commitment to dive deeper into God to discover the will of the Lord for their lives. The leadership program is open to our churches and students must pay to attend. It takes a commitment and these leaders are hungry for God. We are excited to see how God will use each of these leaders to expand the Kingdom of God. The woman that is pictured with Elba is Betania. Betania is a leader of a church that we oversee. She was recognized for the best attendance during the leadership program. Now, this may not seem like much, but when you consider that she lives in a village about 68 kilometers away and has to take a bus through mud filled roads during the rainy season of Brazil, it is extraordinary!!! The conditions are tough, but with the guidance of the Lord she overcame and did a great job at the leadership school. We are so proud of her and the other graduating students. We pray that these new students will excel the Kingdom of God throughout this world.
We had a Mother’s day service at the Mirante church. It was a really sweet time to celebrate the mothers of the church and to reach out to others mothers in the community that had not visited the church. We had a nice breakfast, a time of worship, sharing of the Word, and prayer. Some of the women were really touched by God.
If anyone can find my two front teeth….it would be much appreciative.
Please continue to pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional health for us.
Love and blessings, Steve, Elba, Camilly and Alyssa
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The Xingu Mission
P.O Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio 43215
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